John T Keeling: introducing John's new DVD

"A Wildlife Journey Through Derbyshire and the Peak District"

DVD Cover

John's latest DVD Including unique footage of intimate wildlife behaviour

Derbyshire and the Peak District is an area of outstanding natural beauty containing a diverse range of both fauna and flora.

This DVD contains sequences about mountain hare, ermine, fallow and red deer, herons, water voles, adder, grass snakes mating, peewit, rooks, brown hare, curlew, grey wagtail, dippers, wild flowers, redstart and young, tree pipit, trout, dabchick, ring ousel, cuckoo, pied flycatcher, tawny owl, brown rats carrying eggs, little owl and young, a family of stoats, butterflies, barn owl and weasel.

John has also included some recitals of his favourite poems, describing the countryside that he loves in his own inimitable style.

"Just because the swallows sit and collect upon the wires
Do not hang up your coat and rest beside the fire
Look along the hawthorn hedge early in the day
Bespangled jewelled treasures hang whilst their maker hides away"

DVD - 'A Wildlife Journey Through Derbyshire and the Peak District'

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'A Wildlife Journey Through Derbyshire and the Peak District' is on sale now. John plans to follow this up with other DVDs soon. All John's work can be found at his online shop. To keep informed of what John is up to, have a look at his diary from time to time, or sign up for automatic updates.