John T Keeling: countryman, writer, wildlife film maker

Sharing our countryside experiences


John T Keeling

What with the amount of time I spend outside I don't get too much time to keep in touch with people by email and such like...I don't even like computers and I don't think I'm alone in that!

That said, I will be making an effort to get back to anyone who wants to 'chat'... eventually. Thanks for all your interest. It is heartening to know that there are plenty of folk out there with a genuine interest in and respect for the wildlife of our wonderful islands. Cheers.

John T Keeling is based in Derbyshire - Email:

"So when the sun is setting
At the ending of the day
Be rejoiceful like the robin
Though winter's on its way"

Book of Poetry - 'A Countryman's Journey'

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'A Countryman's Journey' is on sale now. John's first DVD is also available - it makes a great gift for wildlife lovers. All John's work can be found at his online shop. To keep informed of what John is up to, have a look at his diary from time to time, or sign up for automatic updates.