Ongoing tales from the great outdoors

Enjoy the words, the pictures, the sounds

john reading

John T Keeling

As time goes by I hope to turn this section of the website into a diary of what I get up to day by day when I go out with the camera.

Nature really can be red in tooth and claw, after all, everything's got to eat. But nature's not all blood and gore, if it were, it would be impossible to derive any relaxation out there at all. Anyway, keep an eye open for"John's Filming Diary" with its sprinkling of poetry, and your chance to share your observations with others.

"The flying tiger collects his fruit
And takes it to his lair
While the last butterflies soak up the sun
For both they and I can share"

Book of Poetry - 'A Countryman's Journey'

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'A Countryman's Journey' is on sale now. John's first DVD will be available soon, and others will follow. All John's work can be found at his online shop. To keep informed of what John is up to, have a look at his diary from time to time, or sign up for automatic updates.